Belt, Web, Trouser
These are the standard cotton web belts worn with enlisted and officer's US military uniform trousers. We offer belts in either the enlisted "issue" style with black open frame, or the "private purchase" style usually sold at base PXs of the era. Buckles and tips are contemporary military spec and made in the USA and are nearly identical to WWII era belts. Webbing is either cotton khaki to match the US Army khaki cotton summer uniform or OD#3 which is a very light olive/tan shade cotton webbing to be worn with the US Army OD Wool, combat or dress, fatigue, work, paratrooper, mountain, and M1943 field uniforms. Officers generally wore the khaki belt with Smooth Face buckle with their Dark shade or Pink/Tan shade dress trousers.
Select color and sizing options listed in the pull-down menu. Enlisted soldiers also wore the smooth face buckles as the polished brass looked more impressive than the black frame. Sizing should be selected based on your measured waist circumference. We cut the webbing after adding approximately 5-6 inches more than the selected size. Belts can be adjusted using the cinch behind the buckle.
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