Film Credits
These are some of the feature film and TV productions we've supplied products and services to. These are listed from oldest to newest:
Saving Private Ryan
This was our first feature film work experience and we were blessed to have worked on it. It was a tremendous task to manufacture and outfit an entire infantry battalion in less than a month and half. Our hard work is on the screen for all to enjoy. Products supplied were US Army regular infantry uniforms.
The Thin Red Line
We worked on this film simultaneously with Saving Private Ryan. For this feature we supplied numerous large and small canvas tents. These ranged from small shelter halves to the enormous hospital ward tents. The encampment scenes in this film demonstrate the magnitude of our tent making capabilities.
Pearl Harbor

We enjoyed the pleasure of making Army officer's B4 bags and Aviator Kit bags for this film. This was a small project for us but we proved our skills in this production. A very romantic American story.

We became involved in making the Girene 782 gear with this production. This was a massive movie and making the gear was no small task. We made for them everything from small pouches to full pack sets including shelter halves and sea bags.
Band of Brothers, HBO Series
Our humble appearance was made in this production with a camouflage parachute canopy used in various scenes of episode 3 "Carentan". This was our first experience in replica parachute making.
Silent Night
This was a small scale production that was released for the 2002 Christmas season on the Hallmark Channel. This was a touching story about a German woman and her children caught in the midst of the fighting during the Battle of the Bulge December 1944. We supplied the GI uniforms for this production.
We Were Soldiers, Once And Young
Though this was not a WWII era storyline the movie does open with a sequence depicting French paratroops in the intervening years of the French Indochina war. These French soldiers were wearing surplus US Army camouflage HBT uniforms. The costume designer knew exactly who to call upon to supply the HBT camo fatigues and we were pleased to provide them.
The Good German
Tobey Maquire is wearing our US Army wool ODs in this production. We sold the wardrobe dept. wool elastique for Geoge Clooney's officer's pinks and greens. Though this film was released in black and white our quality shows through.
We were very excited to supply the camouflage and dark shade fatigues used in the 2nd episode of "The Company". This part of the mini-series focused on the CIA's involvement in the failed Bay of Pigs operation. This production is the first and thus far only dedicated film depiction of the Cuban ex-patriots attempting to take back their land for freedom and democracy. We were proud to take part.
Our products played a small role on the heads and feet of the main characters of this production. We supplied a small number of field jackets, utility caps, and boondockers to this film. Even the director Clint Eastwood was wearing our cap on the set while filming.
Fighters on both sides of the Cuban revolution wore US Government surplus uniforms and equipment in the early 1960s. The costume dept came to us seeking accurate uniforms for their depictions of both the guerillas and government soldiers. Politics aside, this is an example of how US WWII mobilization efforts made an effect decades after WWII. It was also an example of how diverse our products and services can be utilized.
This production approached us looking for replicas of the rubberized jungle hammocks, camouflage shelter halves, and early USMC tan shelter halves. We had not made the hammocks prior to then but knew that we were well qualified for the job. These items are well depicted on episode 4 "Gloucester/Pavuvu/Banika" during the torrential rain jungle sequences. We also outfitted Senior Military advisors Dale and Julia Dye during this production.
Our replica parachuting products were requested for some of the drop sequences of this film. We supplied aerial delivery containers.
Click here for trailer.
Our showroom had a visit from an associate producer for an exciting action film about WWII Sherman Tankers. The movie is called "Fury" starring Brad Pitt, Shia Lebough, Jon Bernthal, Michael Pena, Scott Eastwood, Logan Lerman, and other top tier actors. They loved our quality so much that they hired us on the spot to outfit the main characters! We are excited to be a part of this production. Above are actors all wearing WWII Impressions products on the set of Fury.
Click here for trailer.
Manhattan, WGN America Series
There is a new miniseries filmed about the Manhattan project to build the atomic bomb in the U.S. Our tent and uniform products are already being of service to them. Click here for Trailer.
7 Days In Entebbe
For this film we supplied French Lizard style camouflage fatigues for both Ugandan Army and Isreali Special Forces characters. The costume designer knew she could count on us to get these uniforms reproduced correctly. Click here for the trailer.

We were proud to have provided some assistance with the movie MIDWAY along the lines of US Navy Undress Whites including hats, tops, bottoms, belts, and neckerchiefs. We also supplied Navy undergarments and cloth deck crew helmets.. Click here for the trailer.
We are very happy to have played a major role in outfitting many of the principle characters in the upcoming feature commemorating Black WACs of the US Army 6888th Central Postal Btn during WWII. This is a production by acclaimed film maker Tyler Perry. Products supplied to this production include various women's items such as garrison caps, service caps (hobbie hats), enlisted wool overcoats, wool shirts, and other items.
Click here for information about renting this truck for your film or event.